This holiday season is all about rest, resilience, and .... reading.
I'm limiting social media and creating times to read and reflect. Putting down my phone has done wonders for me as I continue to process the 2024 elections and what's ahead.
But first -- I'm beyond elated at the historic climate action lawsuit from the team at Our Children's Trust and Western Environmental Law Center here in Montana. Please learn more about the Held v. Montana case, where the state supreme court upheld 16 youth plaintiff's victory that the failure of Montana to consider the impact of state decisions on greenhouse gas emissions violated their state constitutional right to a "clean and healthful environment. Please support these incredible nonprofits!
Now for my top reads, sustainable gift ideas and more!

How to Read the Wilderness by The Nature Study Guild- stunning illustrations and a guide to what's around you wherever you go.
60 Days to a Greener Life by yours truly - shameless plug for an accessible, short, hopeful day reader on how to manage eco-anxiety and bring more joy into your life.
The Ministry of the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson - a harrowing look into our climate future and call to action in this climate fiction book.
The Overstory by Richard Powers- a brilliant story of nine human characters that leverages the latest science of how trees communicate and how they connect us all
Eco-Anxiety- by yours truly. How we can manage the mental health impacts of the climate crisis by processing our emotions then shifting into action to create culture change.
What if We Get it Right? by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson - a NYT best selling collection of essays, art, even a mixtape! about the future we CAN build if we solve the climate crisis.
The Many Daughters of Afong Moy by Jamie Ford - an absolutely captivating historical fiction about the first Chinese woman to visit the United States and her descendants, the book dives into the epigenetics of intergenerational trauma.
The Cold Millions by Jess Walter- historical fiction about two brothers set in early 1900s Spokane at the start of the labor movement with intrigue, suspense, and a riveting plot.
The Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler - this prescient science fiction tale is set in 2024 and 2025 and presents an eerie accurate depiction of a failing climate future.
Glacial by Chelsea Henderson- my dear friend walks us through how once popular and mainstream bipartisan action and legislation on climate disintegrated into polarization
Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown- a way to talk about and tap into how you really feel and a powerful tool to address eco-anxiety and move forward with intention.
And of course -- my friend CK Westbrook's Impact Series is a great YA holiday gift.
Sustainable Gifts
My favorite #onegreenthings this holiday season include:
these bamboo utensils,
this shampoo bar,
these bamboo toothbrushes
these reusable paper towels and of course,
these organic linens
this outdoor composter
time outside with family and friends!
Experiences, Not Things
Check out these the OneGreenThing Advent Calendar that I've been posting on Instagram and TikTok. Fun ways to green your holidays. Be intentional with your family conversations and connections with friends. Bring out the photo albums, watch old home movies, and talk about resilience and commitment.

Did you know I take the OneGreenThing Service Superpower Assessment and apply it to environmental nonprofits? There's a complete list in the appendix of Eco-Anxiety.
And of course, please consider supporting the climate action and environmental nonprofits you love, and I'd be honored if you'd consider donating to my nonprofit OneGreenThing as we work to tackle eco-anxiety.
Happy Holidays to you and yours!