What a thrill to see world famous photographer Ami Vitale in Bozeman this weekend. Her presentation inspired me to dream bigger, take more more space, and double down on my climate action efforts.
If you’re not familiar with Ami’s name, you’ve likely seen her work in National Geographic, the New YorkTimes, and thousands of other outlets. Her most famous photo is pictured here. The last male white Rhino.
Sudan, a northern white rhino and the last male of his subspecies, died in 2018 at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya. Because of poachers, who target rhinos for their horns, the subspecies had been reduced to eight individuals. Sudan was the last living male White Rhino.
“At the very least, Sudan is an ambassador for so many other species that need our attention,” Vitale told CNN in 2018. “This can be an incredible wake-up call. Even if you live 10,000 miles away, you can make a difference with your awareness or tourism dollars.
Vitale added: “I couldn’t believe [the white Rhino] had survived for millions of years but could not survive humanity.”

Ami Vitale speaking at the Nikon Event at Hilton Garden Inn, Bozeman, MT.
Ami is known for her dramatic photography, which is grounded in empathy and deep connection with her subjects. Here are a few nuggets from her talk this weekend in Bozeman:
Empathy is the wellspring of creativity.
Most people can’t imagine the story you have. Believe in yourself. Dream bigger, embrace the thing that scares you . You will fail & it’s OK .
Push yourself to do more than you think you can because everything is possible.
I encourage you to follow Ami (instagram @amivitale) and be inspired by her mesmerizing artwork & storytelling.

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