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Heather White
Jan 5, 2021
The Children, They Know: Gen Z & Climate Anxiety
You might be surprised what Gen Z thinks & how much they know about the climate crisis. Listen - really listen - to what they are saying.

Heather White
Dec 16, 2020
Systemic Racism & Sustainability: How We Move from Talk to Action
Systemic racism infiltrates every aspect of who we are and how we interact with each other. We center equity in sustainability.

Heather White
Nov 15, 2020
Moving from Eco-Anxiety to Eco-Action through a Family Plan
MindBodyGreen article. Easing Eco-Anxiety through the creation of a Family Eco-Action Plan.

Heather White
Oct 21, 2020
Pando: A Metaphor for Connection
Pando, the world's largest living organism, is a scientific marvel and a powerful metaphor for human connection.

Heather White
Oct 13, 2020
Watching Sunsets, Stargazing & Moving Forward on Climate Action
Gazing at the stars near Ennis reminded me of the wonder and tenacity needed for climate action.

Heather White
Oct 9, 2020
How to Fight the "Freeze" Response of Eco-Anxiety and Move into Action
Eco-anxiety can create a freeze response. Action creates hope and momentum.

Heather White
Sep 20, 2020
The Extroverts' Dilemma: Surviving 6 Months of Stay-at-Home-Orders
The Extroverts Dilemma - Strategies on How to Stay Sane During 6 Months of Quarantine

Heather White
Aug 4, 2020
Our Brave New World: 5 Strategies to Help Gen Z Deal with "Eco-Anxiety"
Eco-anxiety is wreaking havoc on Gen Z. Here are 5 ways to give them hope.

Heather White
Jun 29, 2020
The Plasticity of Hope: Celebrating World Oceans Day
The first six months of 2020 feel like a decade. Given the global pandemic of Covid-19, we recognize that we are biologically connected....

Heather White
May 15, 2020
Quote of the Day: Wild Mercy & The Healing Power of Public Lands
I hope we emerge from this pandemic with a newfound understanding of the healing power of nature and and renewed commitment to the wild.

Heather White
May 7, 2020
Cabin Fever? Take these Five Digital National Park Tours for a Nature Break
Originally posted in MindBodyGreen on May 7, 2020. Check out these 5 digital park tours to help reduce anxiety and cabin fever.

Heather White
Apr 22, 2020
Reset to Green: Earth Day's 50th Anniversary Offers Extraordinary Opportunity
Published in the Montana Standard on 4/22/20. How the lessons from Covid-19 can help us Reset to Green and tackle climate change.

Heather White
Apr 20, 2020
Celebrating Gaylord Nelson: Earth Day Turns 50
Earth Day turns 50 this week. Let's celebrate its founder Gaylord Nelson and ground conservation work in mutual respect.

Heather White
Mar 24, 2020
Life in the Time of Social Distancing
Originally published on Thrive Global. Five revelations during social distancing. Hint: I am not Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Heather White
Mar 4, 2020
Be astonished.
Mary Oliver's words are crisp, inviting, and provoking. Being in nature can reduce "eco-anxiety." What we want to protect can heal us.

Heather White
Feb 21, 2020
Attention Adults: Step Away from Your Computer & Get Outside
Adults need to go outside and play, too. Five easy ways to connect to nature, no matter where you live. Published in Thrive Global.
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